Wednesday 5 December 2018

Protein Fat Carbohydrate HDL LDL - Not as is seems

You Don't Need carbs / "Cholesterol is Cholesterol"

The podcast link below  takes you to a talk by nutritionist Zoe Harcombe,

which I think, unless you're already well up on this and way ahead of me, will I'm pretty sure give you serious "pause for thought" about the health advice we are being given and why ..

I've had a  quick WIKIPEDIA sanity check, acknowledging I  don't have even an 'O' level in Biochemistry, which confirms some key things :

  • there is only one type of Cholesterol and its essential to human life 
  • HDL and LDL are lipoproteins that transport cholesterol ..  not Good and Bad  cholesterols
  • your body doesn't strictly need any carbs they are not an essential nutrient 
Her cholesterol analogy about mistaken thinking e.g assuming that as there are nearly always firefighters and lot of water sloshing around at the scene of a fire so "obviously" fires are closed by fireman and water .. is clever and her delivery open and frank answer to the many Qs  (all the one you want to ask yourself)  are clear and engaging 

If nutrition, health diabetes /cholesterol, heart disease are issues or of interest to you I thoroughly recommend it - if not no problemo

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