Monday 3 December 2018

Don't trust the media #1 Drinking Alcohol

The two articles below are well worth reading and show how UK Public Health Advice on safe levels of alcohol consumption is being corrupted by anti-alcohol activists masquerading as independent advisors.

The first shows the flaws, distortions and counter reality thinking behind the revised 14 unit limits  for both men and women..

The second shows how the anti alcohol activists & temperance campaigners involved are achieving  their goals

One lesson I take from this is increasing confirmation of my growing belief that anyone promoting any form of regressive tax such as sugar taxes, carbon taxes, alcohol taxes, cigarette taxes, fuel taxes etc is likely to be someone pretending to care about people's welfare but in reality is more obsessed with pushing their own blinkered agenda ie a "do-gooder".

Here you go :

Its also depressing to think that there must be an large and possibly increasing number of unhappy people who by God are going to make sure you're unhappy too..

and of course a lot of cynical politicians crying copious crocodile tears as they take their increasing tax revenue to the bank  - "it's for your own good we don't want to have to do it but we must"   - Yeah 

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COVID Lockdowns : Propaganda

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