My main blog - the one you are reading now - was getting a bit unwieldy so have set up two extra new blogs to cover topics requiring more in depth analysis :
Climate Change / The Claimed Climate Emergency
My take on issues such as Climate Change (AGW), UK Politics, fake news, media bias and disinformation, propaganda from whatever sources, COVID-19 and anything else inspiring or bugging me that I think my views can add some insight to. Aim to provide an unbiased non-partisan view unless stated otherwise and to use my science based research background to help others understand when statistics, graphs and pseudo science are being used to mislead and manipulate rather than to inform and educate.
My main blog - the one you are reading now - was getting a bit unwieldy so have set up two extra new blogs to cover topics requiring more in depth analysis :
Climate Change / The Claimed Climate Emergency
Two legs good - Four legs bad The title of the UK Government policy brought in to attempt to deal with the spread of COVID-19 was “Staying ...